


I would like to try translation of Japanese pop in order to know a wide range of words.

l want you to overlook my interpretation of songs because of just practice.

The first song is Mr.Children who are the masterpiece of Japanese pop scene.

This song is recently repeated in my mind over and over.

I was unable to understand these words in my highschool days when this song was released. However, I can sympathize with each phrases now.

NOT FOUND 作詞 桜井和寿 Kazutoshi Sakurai

愛という  素敵な嘘で騙してほしい
I want you to cheat me with a lovely lie which is just like a love.

自分だって思ってた人格(ひと)が  また違う顔を見せるよ
I have discovered one more different characteristic which I had already defined by myself.

ねぇ  それって君のせいかなぁ
You, You might have influenced me.

あと  どのくらいすれば忘れられんのだろう?
How long do I need for oblivion of

過去の自分に向けた  この後悔と憎悪
my repentance and abhorrence toward me in the past?

君に触れていたい  優しい胸の上で
I want to stay touch you on your tender heart.

あの覚束無い子守歌を  もう一度  もう一度
I want to listen to your vague lullaby again, again...